Mar 16, 2011 20:56
From how we think and many other things or maybe perhaps everything? I'm pretty glad I have him as my brother though.
All his posts are damn worth reading, to me at least. Something that I look forward to reading every time he updates it actually.
Not sure if he knows that I do read it, who cares anyway!
"WordPress was down for quite a while just when i wanted to pen down my thoughts. This kinda stuff always happen doesn’t it? Or it’s just our mind pairing up 2 rare events occuring and making it seem like it always happen. Its called illusorory correlation, something i learnt from social psychology. heh.
Like how when we always want to faster go home pang sai and there’s currently no available lifts at your block.
Your toast always fall butter side down.
On another note, i think technology makes people more susceptible to complaining. Anything less favourable that happens, bam you expect it. It’s on facebook! It gets irritating seriously.
I don’t see what’s there to complain when (stereotyping here) 95% the people i know are living better, comfortable, easier lives than the 5% out there.
The statistics is partly gotten by pareto principle, whereby 80% of things are usually derived from the 20%. I just modified the % little.
Perharps if people were to travel alittle out of their comfort zone, they would realise there isn’t much to complain really.
I usually see comments like, “work suck, people are so inconsiderate, mrt is soo pack, no bf/gf,” and the list goes on.
Ok maybe it’s not their fault, they simply want to doll up their wall.
Another fascinationg discovery i had, girls fb are so differnet from guys! Don’t believe me? Just check out the amount of photos and stuff on their walls. Compare that to a guys, i think it’s quite a vast difference. Same goes for their blog, they complain, they show off what they have, they’re happy then back to complaining again.
They’re volatile in short. (No offense though)"