Apr 29, 2010 01:50
Facebook isn't a very good place to type out everything that's on my mind.
Whatever that is appropriate has to be filtered out and on to facebook status.
Whatever that's not will appear here.
A simple reason as that is because my mum and cousin is on facebook!
Just a status saying that there's something wrong about my ankle and my cousin's asking me go see a tui na and my mum too. I'm not like disabled/ sprained etc. It's just not feeeeeeeling right.
Ok back to main topic.
I randomly thought about it while walking back to school bus stop hop on a bus home.
I just want to do something crazy/different/stupid before I enter army.
Because this is the prime of the time where I know I won't regret doing this.
No point doing it if you don't feel like it anymore.
Perhaps like getting a tattoo, pierce my tongue or get an eyebrow piercing.
Everything is pretty hard except getting a tattoo because if my parents see it, that's probably IT.
Even if I wanted to get a tattoo I have no idea what to put.
Ah damn I just want to do somethinggggggg.
Don't tell me to go sky-diving or whatever, that's just different.
FYI I had a labret/ lip piercing before for those who don't know! haha!