and so now i try to keep up. i’ve been exchanging my currency, while a million objects pass through my periphery. now i’m rubbing my eyes cause they’re starting to bother me. i’ve been staring too long at the screen. but where was it when i first heard that sweet sound of humility? it came to my ears in the goddamn loveliest melody. how grateful i was then to be part of the mystery, to love and to be loved. let's just hope that is enough.
tonight i was part of a conversation about acid, halloween and san francisco that eventually involved half the people on the 14 bus.
i'm tired. i've seen too much. women i belong to, huh? guess not. in 3 days it will be 3 months. in 3 months the ice will melt off this city and i can begin to take stock of the wreckage that the storm left. where i will go. i'm not done yet, but i still feel that need to get moving. in the spring, i will play out nights, and not have to drink. i will smoke and laugh and be in a different city every day.
when november starts, i'm moving on. time's ticking.
i don't like drinking and i fucking hate coffee shops.
i’m about to see a million things i thought i’d never see before, and i...