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Or rather, this journal is Semi-Friends only. All fic and icons are public, and everything else is friend locked. Don't be afraid to ask to be friended. If we have interests in common, there's a 99% chance I'll say yes. But I'll only friend you back if you do ask.
Name: Danielle.
Age: Nineteen years old.
Nationality: I'm British, and have lived in Northern England my entire life.
Occupation: Currently, I'm in my 2nd year at university, working my way towards an English Degree.
Music: Muse, The Antlers, Placebo, The National, Radiohead, The XX, Stars, Queen, The Beatles, Mumford and Sons.
Other: I live with my family, who I love. Um. There's really not a lot to me. I have no idea what I'm doing.
Interests: Hetalia, Doctor Who (NuWho), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Digimon (Adventure through to Frontier), Harry Potter, Sherlock, Life on Mars, Death Note, Muse, Community, Friends
ships: England/America, Germany/Italy, Spain/Romano, England/Prussia, Cuba/Canada, France/Canada, France/World, Everyone/Everyone; Doctor/Rose, Rory/Amy, Ten/Master(Simm); Sokka/Suki, Katara/Aang, Sokka/Zuko; Takeru/Hikari (Zero Two onwards), Tachi/Yomato, Taichi/Sora; Ron/Hermione, Ron/Luna, Ron/Harry, Harry/Luna, Ron/Everyone; Holmes/Watson; Gene/Sam, Sam/Annie; L/Light, Mello/Matt