living in the country

Feb 28, 2012 03:39

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted last. Things have changed immensely since I last posted.

  • I have moved from a multicultural suburb in Melbourne to a very small town in the North East of the state. It's a much more Anglo-Saxon area with a minority of non-Australian born people. It's also a huge tourist town that gets hundreds of thousands of people through each year.
  • I'm currently living with my Dad, brother and sister at Dad's rural property. He has 10 acres of land. We don't currently have any livestock but Dad's been building a chicken coop and shed. We do have a lot of fruit and vegetables growing, including a lot of fruit trees that were here when Dad moved five years ago.
  • I am moving out of Dad's house in a little over a week. Dad bought me a house in town to live in, which has four bedrooms and a good sized garden. I also have a spa in a back room in the house which, money allowing, I'll be eventually turning into my own photography darkroom. I'll also be moving my dog and cat with me so I will have some company. The lovely thing about being in my own house, other than the peace and quiet, will be that I will finally be able to have a dedicated craft room to make my jewellery.
  • I'm yet to work this year except doing a few small jobs helping out friends of my Dad's with computer issues. I've applied for a job at the local primary school (where my Dad's first cousin works in the office) but being that I'm a secondary teacher rather than primary, I'm not overly confident. I have organised to work as a casual relief teacher (substitute) but first term is usually pretty quiet. I'm getting a little desperate for work now, especially since I'll soon be paying bills, for groceries and helping my dad pay off the mortgage.
  • I don't have any friends up here as yet. I know a few people through my Dad and brother, who have been here longest, as well as my family members who live here. I'm hoping once I start working I'll meet people. I've been back to Melbourne once already and saw friends then and once I move into my house and get settled I'll be inviting people up to stay with me. I'll be going back to Melbourne fairly regularly because I have no intention of leaving my psychiatrist. My Nana and uncles (on mum's side) are all back in Melbourne so I still have good reason for returning.
  • Hopefully I'll soon have good photos of the house and garden which I can post here. It could be one way to keep myself using this journal.

country living, my house, life stuff

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