Dec 08, 2009 23:25
I got my Brown Bag DVD Specials, and I am gonna watch them and review them, for all your enjoyment I give you the first installation of my DVD reviews.
Just finished watching this DVD. And I have to be the first to admit that the production values of this disc are lacking. But that is not what this disc is about. This dvd is about the stories of the people who created TNA, who breathed life into the idea, and then refused to let it die.
After listening the stories I have much more respect for Jeff Jarrett for making his dream a reality. And I swear the more I hear from Dixie Carter, the more I am convinced she is the woman who is going pilot the wrestling ship that will go head to head with the WWE.
AJ Styles v Loki (Senshi) v Psicosis v Jerry Lynn: (5 out of 5 Stars, I knew who was going to win and how and I was still glued to the TV)
To crown the first ever X Division Champion
Oh My Gawd! This match has four men nearly killing each other, but it has some of the most innovative moves and combinations that I have ever seen. And the format of the match itself was interesting. Two men start in the ring with two others at ring side. When ever a man is pinned or submits, he is replaced by the next man in the cycle. It's a double elimination match, so two pin falls and you done. Great match to watch, I would hate to try and write something with this kind of style.
AJ Styles v Loki v Jerry Lynn (4.5 out of 5 Stars)
Triple Ladder Match
More Oh My Gawd Moments and Holy Shit Moments then you can shake a stick at. You put three of the quickest most talented people in the ring and let them go no holds barred and you will not be disappointed with what you see. They go for nearly the first 10-15 minutes with out even bringing a ladder into the match (and the crowd is eating up the action to the point were they don't care.) This match is worth watch alone for the piledriver off the ladder.
America's Most Wanted vs The New Church: (2.5 out of 5 stars)
I am not familiar with the New Church, and I understand that this is much more of a brawl then a technical match. I understand the significance of this being the match that solidifies AMW as THE tag team of TNA for years to come. But over all I was not really impressed. Also lingering over this match was in my mind that I think Beer Money, is twice the tag team AMW was. But when I get to the tag team DVD we will get more into that. Also Belladonna who was managing The New Church with James Mitchell is not very hard on the eyes.
Raven vs Jeff Jarret (4 out of 5 Stars)
NWA-TNA World Title Match
It's a pier 6 Brawl, a technical masterpiece, and bloody mess. As with anything with Raven you are going to have a good psychology to the match. Jarret bring his technical prowess to the table. While it's not going to be filled with high spots like the X-Division, it is a great match. And watching Raven help the ref unlock the handcuffs, priceless! And on the eye candy meter I think Mickie James looked much better in TNA, with the sort of skater attire, and before the impants.
Over All, the I was spell bound by the DVD. It could have used better production work or editing of the dialogue might have made it more professional. How ever the unedited interviews gave it a more personal feel.
Final Rating 4.9 out of 5 Stars