Oct 10, 2002 20:53
Here's my update on my situation:
I've put my resume on Monster.com - some interesting prospects *happy dance*.
I have cleaned the house spotless, bagged clothing for donation, baked till I'm silly and even cleaned my car - yes you heard me - cleaned my car!!!
I bought a starter for my car today so that's being put on tomorrow then I will get the tires on Saturday hopefully.
I sure hope this is the beginning of something good for me because I'm driving myself crazy and it's only been 3 days. After putting over $1,000 into my car it better damn well be good to go for a long while.
Oh ya and I've actually started trying to catch up with a few of my friends from LJ - yep that'd be all of YOU!!! It's nice getting back to me and getting in touch with all of you. My insurance ended on Monday I guess so my doctor is going to switch my medication to something she has samples of - that's really sweet of her considering I was just getting better with my anxiety attacks and staying focused.