01 Reply to this post, and I will pick six to eight of your icons.
02 Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
03 Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
04 This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
hp| heart Ron
Ron is my favourite Harry Potter character, hands down. I love the goofy dudes, always have. Ron is awesome.
merlin | M | hp hogwarts
Harry Potter was my first major fandom and I love when my fandoms can be referred to. I will probably collect every Merlin/Harry Potter icon I come across. I have a couple others as well. :)
merlin | SD | slash dragon burninates
I LOVE TROGDOR. I think the slash dragon did a great job of burninating the peasants in Camelot.
lotr | L | l'oreal
I love all my fandoms and their epic hairs. While Legend of the Seeker has a bit more epic hair than Lord of the Rings, Legolas has been known for his amazing hair skills. They could have totally spoofed some make-up/hair commercials back then and gotten a lot of money. Lol
disney | aladdin | genie
Genie was my favourite character in Aladdin. I love Robin Williams, dude. He's just awesome.
spn | C | out of minutes
Cas. I love Cas whenever he's trying to understand humans. Luckily he will become human (STFU he will in my head, IDC what they do with the show) and will be taught the ropes by Dean. :D
merlin | M | hp merlin's beard!
Oh yeah, another Harry Potter reference. Love it. Merlin should totally put on a false beard at some point in the show to poke fun of the fact that everyone thinks of him as the beardered dude.
boys | B/C | bw singing tards
These boys. Damn these boys. They are so freaking awesome. Sometimes I don't know whether I like Bradley for myself or Bradley and Colin together more. It's such a hard choice. LOL