{Twenty-four} &diams

Jan 25, 2010 20:24

After spending my day running around like a maniac, I end up in jail. I would very much like to know how Youth tapping me on the shoulder made me arrive here, but I suppose that explanation will have to wait a bit. Of course, I rather doubt I will ever find out the trick behind it, Edensphere being what it is. My best guess would be some sort of teleport [pen taps] though that isn't quite the right word.

I gave breakfast a miss and did not have time to stop for lunch. I don't suppose someone would be willing to bring me a sandwich?

I would settle for a jailbreak, if the sandwich is too much trouble.


Does anyone else feel that being in prison is strangely, horribly familiar?


By the by, has anyone seen Pinky? She did not come home last night, and she was not there this morning when I woke.

[[ooc: the strikes are scratched out almost right away, but you can read it if you squint.]]

what do you mean 'mixed signals'?, roommates?, what is this i don't even, e!cops and robbers, ♥Ghost [Jack Landors], ♥Rogue [Wedge Antilles], ♦Bell [Hatake Kakashi], ♦Genius [Topher Brink], ♦Youth [Maito Gai], explanation please

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