I am listening to the cure alot as of late, A cure for something I suppose, but their name intrigues me. As does Bright Eyes, I suppose I feel like a little sad emo boy, seeking answers in things that are beyond answers, like music. It offers answers, surely, but only for the questions we don't really have, or have answered. That is why we listen to music, I suppose, it reminds us of our answers we have already found, or maybe even show us teh ones that we seek, though I doubt that. Our perspective won't allow that... I think. But music always helps me... especially the cure, because they give answers to teh questions I ahve. Not that I have many questions either... I have too many... and sometimes I don't think about them. I suppose skating is a release from thinking...
I never pay attention in class because I am thinking about something else. Class bores me, yet I find surprising amount of interest in Computer Science, because of the philosphy it introduces. But... music... definetly something that redeems life in my eyes. Makes humans that much better from the worst they seem to sink to. That I sink to. I could be a musician, but I am not, no dedication to that, I want to be a skater right now, devote myself to that... what an escape, it has its own answers and goals and passions that enslave me right now. I do believe God once said we can't serve two masters... I understand why christianity preaches love, beacuse that is one of the answers. One of the roads the lead somewhere else. It doesn't have to be the holding hands kind of love...
Just understand the love for now... question its meaning to you... say it softly, under your breath, taste it and savor it. Love yourself, love love... find its meanings... give it feeling and find feeling. It is one of teh answers with out question. So many songs, poems, piece of art, wars... all based on Love.