(no subject)

May 06, 2006 22:51

I kind of wish there was an intense thunder and lightning storm going on right now because I love those and they make me feel really alive. It's just how it is.

I don't really have anything else to say besides that I am pretty happy with my life right now. Oh, except for the fact that I pulled a back muscle in dance yesterday from lifting people because I am a brute...and basically it hurts to breathe deeply. It kind of sucks...because I like to breathe...I don't know it just keeps me physically living or something like that.

OMG OH YEAH. Today for like the 100th time in my life my friends and I went to Tim Horton's because it's Chariho. Well anyway, this girl working there was like WHICH ONE OF YOU TALKS TO BRANDON. And I was like ME BITCH. Except it was more like...."Me" *timidy raises hand*. And she started mumbling and was like "omg..omg he's just, just retarded." Then she came AROUND THE COUNTER to me and was like SO WHAT HAS HE TOLD YOU ABOUT ME? I THOUGHT HE WAS A NICE GUY UNTIL THE END AND HE ENDED UP BEING A JERK. (I told her that he hadn't told me anything about her, but I lied) Hahahaha it was so funny because she was incredibly jealous, but it was so scary at the same time because she was really intimidating. She was like trying to convince me to break up with him...and I was like hmm oh ok cool yeahhh... Then I remembered that the girl was someone he had hooked up with in the past, but he didn't want to go out with her because OH YEAH SHE HAS A KID. So that obviously makes him a complete asshole. But whatever, then we left and I walked over to the pizza place..which was a 5 second walk...once again, it's Chariho and I told him about it and he was like cracking up. Then he gave me free food because he felt bad that I was just brutally attacked. SORRY but I don't dump people who give me free food thanks. It was just hilarious because a Tim Horton's employee had just taken time out of her life to try and convince me that Brandon was a terrible person when it really just comes down to that she is pissed that he didn't want to be her boyfriend. HA!

I love drama, it's so sickening. My life is a soap opera and I'm not even exaggerating. If they made a reality show of my life..it would be the next OC....only 35 times better.

This entry was completely pointless

Love, Sarah
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