Just putting this out there... I'm not being morbid, I swear. Nor suicidial. I just want to make sure someone somewhere knows what I want.
I would like
this poem read at my funeral.
this song played.
And to be cremated. And, unless I get a brainwave, someone else can work out what do do with my ashes. Please don't bury them, or keep them on a mantel piece forever and ever and ever.
I'm not expecting this to come up anytime soon, just so you know. At the moment, I'm planning to go out an old lady, and I'll probably have a will by then so I can write this all down properly and my poor grandchildren will have to do what I've instructed otherwise all the momey goes to the dogs. Or something.
Fuck, I'm in a weird mood today.
ETA: Someone make sure to tell my electronic friends - Flutter and Caffy, particularly.