Just You Wait And See, How Much You Can Bleed

Jul 13, 2013 18:18

I've been feeling weird since the break up. Is this what loneliness feels like? I can never identify the feeling when it comes on. It's a hard transition going from talking to someone everyday and seeing them a ton and then going to random texts every so often. I've been pondering relationships a lot. The fact that you don't every really 100 percent know if you are going to spend the rest of your life with someone. So many things can change. That's why I don't understand why people get married within a year of dating. If I based marriage off that, I'd be divorced 4 times by now. The beginning is always the best. The real test is if you can dig through all the shit together and come out clean on the other side. Then you know you're ready to take the plunge.

Then again, a lot of people don't seem to have to dig. Clear sailing into the sunset. I'm not one of those people. Everything gets hard for me. Is it me? Is it them? Is it us? I don't know, and I feel like I never will. Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it. This is life and tons of people go through this, I am not special, I am also not privileged.

That wedding we went to, the 2 getting married had previously dated, and they broke up for 3 years. I think it's incredible they can turn it around after 3 years. It's like it is impossible to completely close some books.

In more hilarious news superradmike and I just fought like 2 brothers. He pulled me out bed by my feet, and I whipped him with a belt. He then wrapped me up in a blanket so he could get around me, then we whipped each other with belts and xbox controller cords. Epic.

Man date tonight with max_danger and bowcrossx at Red Lobster. Going to eat me a butt load of seafood. Nothing like fishy smelling fingers.....gross
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