90% Friends Only
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This is Beatrice and I like to believe that my middle name is Awesome. I adore the colour red and thus own a red handphone, ipod and (currently) have slut-red nails that I think are gorgeous. Spent 4 years in Crescent (Class of '08) and made many awesome friends; now studying in ACJC and I can't wait to graduate because like most teenagers, I hate school and find going to school a chore. I am perpetually broke so if you're really rich, you can be my friend and I promise I'll be really nice to you. My friends think I'm always mood-swinging and PMS-ing and constantly being a cynical bitch but rest-assured, I am not like that at all. Other than that, I have more fictional boyfriends than you and I believe they love me too (don't burst my bubble) and I'm constantly believing that my life will be one whole big cliche (once again, don't burst my bubble). I'm pretty obsessed with Gossip Girl as well and I secretly believe that Dorota is Gossip Girl and that Chuck will one day come to Singapore and ask me out.
As you can tell from my mini-biography, I'm really awesome and I know that all of you want to be my friend and of course, being the nice person that I am, I'll be happy to oblige :)