Title: Storybook Nevers and Storm Assaults Characters: Nate/Blair and Chuck/Blair Rating/Words Count: PG-13 for one "fuck"/560 One-Line Excerpt: It's a scary, hollow place in her heart.
For starters it sounds like Blair is fighting an internal war, in trying to decide which guy she wants to be with (or should be with). Since being with Nate, means having some type of security, since she already knows what he's capable of doing; where choosing Chuck, would mean having to rely on the unknown and not knowing what he could do to her.
Yet deep-down, Blair already knows what Chuck can do to her; whether he hurts her or not, she can't help but feel something for him. And for that reason, alone she's attempting to rebel against feeling something for him; even though, it's probably what she really wants in the end.
WOW, loved this! This cap has so many possibilities (I just finished a fic for it as well!) and I really loved your interpretation. You made this fic just as much about NB as CB and about Blair herself--your blending on the timelines into one coherent stream of thought is perfection <3
Comments 5
For starters it sounds like Blair is fighting an internal war, in trying to decide which guy she wants to be with (or should be with). Since being with Nate, means having some type of security, since she already knows what he's capable of doing; where choosing Chuck, would mean having to rely on the unknown and not knowing what he could do to her.
Yet deep-down, Blair already knows what Chuck can do to her; whether he hurts her or not, she can't help but feel something for him.
And for that reason, alone she's attempting to rebel against feeling something for him; even though, it's probably what she really wants in the end.
At least, this is my take on the whole matter.
Enjoyed reading it, a lot.
Blair, like Serena, is a very tragic person. Chuck, too, but we won't get into that right now ;) I like dealing with despair.
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