Apr 07, 2004 21:59
Take what you want from my face
My throat hurts
So its official...i don't give a fuck about school anymore..it sucks cause im completely un-motivated in every way to even go. It would probablly help if i had any idea what so ever what i should take, i feel like im waisting time and money.
Work is insane, you don't even know, i have sooo many stories and everyday gets funnier and funnier...why don't i tell one
creed is the best band ever!!!!
We have a really big dumpster...its actually a shit big trash compacter and i was back there throwin crap away. Well the mexican i met a couple days before rolls up with a bunch of garbage he needs to throw away as well..and by garbage i mean like dressers and desks and shit..so i help him with that and we get to the bottom of the pile and theres a purple, sparkly box so he picks it up. Now this kid can hardly speak english at all..half the shit he says to me is in complete spanish..but every once in a while he throws in some english. anyways, he picks up the box and starts laughing, he hands it to me and its a fuckin dildo!! and as if i wasn't laughing enough already....the kid decides to speak probablly two of the three english words he knows and says....."bitches man"
if that didn't fuckin make you day....you day is not ment to be made.
you're at a lab..im at home..not talking to you, theres three things wrong with that.
im sooooo sick...but for some reason i felt better earlier today...one of you knows why
Practice was bitchin
Krystal, add me bia!! i don't add until added.
alright, sorry its short, but it is
Creed fuckin sucks by the way