Jan 15, 2009 23:24
I'm so mad at myself for letting him get to me. This guy on the Anime Boston forums just starts talking about how my friend and myself know nothing about music. I should have just let it go, but no, I couldn't. Now I've just sunk to his level, arguing back, even though I tried to be as neutral as possible. GOD. I'm not even really mad at him, I'm upset over the fact that I read into his comment too deeply, as if he were talking face to face with me. I fell into the internet argument trap.
On top of that, I'm being super clingy with my boyfriend because I'm feeling insecure. He stayed with me over the majority of break. Then we came back, and it was just me again. We went from every minute together, to no exposure at all. He didn't even call me the next day because he was out with his friends back home. Then he didn't really talk much the day after because recently he's been having bad back problems. Then no contact, and now today he barely said anything to me. I hate talking on the phone. I just wish he was in person because we have great talks and he makes me laugh and makes me feel slightly less insecure.
Bah. I had an 8 am class this morning. I blame my crappy-feelingness on that.