Writhle. Whrithle. Writhel. Rithal. Dan Rathers. DAN LEWIS!!!

Jul 01, 2005 00:19

writhle \Wri"thle\, v. t. [Freq. of writhe.] To wrinkle.

If it wasn't for that knight in shiny armor that came and gave electricity to my car I would still be stuck hiding out in the reference section at Barnes and Noble trying to cram GRE information into my noggin.

I love you Dan. So, so much.

And I loved our downtown waterfront sushi vegetable cracker midnight picnic date.
...And how I stole your shoes so I can walk around all day, looking down to pretend I walk with you.
......And how I finally learned the secret to keep you thoroughly de-stressed. (Muh ha HAAA!)

*Only 5 short months until I need to finalize my selection and apply to grad school.
*Only 4 short months until my GRE exam.
*Only 3 short months until my sugarlips' birthday.
*Only 2 short months until we move to Seattle.
*Only 1 short month until I become a world renowned supermoDEL.

In other news, I sure do love that Dan Lewis and Kathi Goertzen.

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