your search filter is... disturbingly filtered

Feb 27, 2013 12:57

this morning, got one of those amazon emails of 'you looked at this, here's some other similar products'.

It was a bunch of Mills and Boon books, including the slightly racier ones. Except.

Yes, Amazon, I've looked at those, because the synopses are often hysterical. But. The most recent ones I looked at were the gay ones. Why don't you ever send me those? You send me graphic novel recs, you send me mills and boon, you send me superhero dvd recs, you send me stocking filler recs... but you never send me anything with gay mills & boon recs. Or 'you searched for Shelter and My Beautiful Laundrette and Beautiful Thing in dvd, how about Weekend* and Victor/Victoria?' or 'you searched for male Swan Lake dvd, how about Car Man?'

*note: i still need to see Weekend. Apparently it's awesome.


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