zombies! and, er, other things?

Sep 20, 2012 12:17

Went to see Cockney vs. Zombies last night with Gideon, Taz and Cas. (absolute sod trying to find it as it's in so few cinemas) It's written by the lovely yet demented James Moran (Severance, dr who ep Fires of Pompeii & the Sleeper ep of Torchwood). it's a lovely heartwarming family drama, that involves Honor Blackman with a shotgun & Richard Briers on a zimmer frame trying to outrun a zombie. (seriously. the younger generation tries to rescue their grandparents from the care home when the zombie hordes attack. It's very funny, immensely gory, and likes doing twists on the clichés in a way that makes the audience cheer. And the final credits song is by Chas and Dave.

Found out partway in that Cas had *never seen a zombie film*. Or was aware enough of the genre to know what would be involved. I kept pushing her head out of my shoulder and making her watch the gore. We still don't know how she achieved getting to her 20s and missing the point that zombie films are gore fests. (it was also concluded that zombie films work so much better if they're comedies. See Zombieland, & Shaun of the Dead. Exception being 28 Days Later. And there must be at least one case of someone saying 'Seriously, what is wrong with you?' and you really, really have to have a decent reason for the characters not to know that you shoot them in the head. Like being completely cut off from civilisation for the past 40 years.)

I...um... may have started a Shakespeare's Globe tumblr after finding out there wasn't one? I'm mostly doing a news and nicking the photos (with accreditation) from their twitter feed, but I did poke them to ask if they had one first aside from their pinterest, facebook and twitter. tumblr just appears to be their blind spot. Their twitter @the_globe is great. They post photos and like playing word games. so: http://globefan.tumblr.com :shuffles feet: It's not my fault, I have a bit of a compulsion and a record of doing this kind of thing. Anyway, they're screening last year's Much Ado, All's Well and Dr Faustus. check your cinema for times. Mine's being an utter bastard by screening them at 3pm on a wednesday, which makes bugger all sense since they normally screen theatre stuff in the evening and it nearly always sells out. Clearly people with *jobs* don't like Shakespeare.

shakespeare, film, the globe

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