
Sep 12, 2012 00:08

at that stage of gathering together what research I need to do for nano. 'course, every bit of poking only unspools *more*.

Susan is 21 at the end of war, so joining Torchwood... not a problem. 45 or 46.
Malayan emergency is '48, so that sorts Peter, and Edmund is a year or so down the line from that, which fixes the timeline for the National Service fics. Which it looks like this will be running concurrently with, not after.

Got to do a bunch of research on Tiger Bay and West Bute docks area in the late 40s/early 50s due to the bloody Doctor Who and Torchwood lot thinking that Roald Dahl Plass is a funny place to stick a top secret base. Fuckers. I doubt i'll even use that much of it, knowing me.

There's the spy stuff, which I need to read up on, going through that list of authors I got given, raiding the library in despair & doing research on time period, which is now looking a bit earlier than I thought.

Need stuff on nursing education in the late 1940s/early 50s so I can figure out precisely how junior Lucy would be.

There will be random hyperventilation over inconsequential details like music, just you wait. And I will screw up locations and docks layout, almost certainly.

In other news: we saw Dredd on sunday. (much searching to find a 2D showing). IT IS GLORIOUS. non-fanboy loved it. Fanpersons continually squeaking and bouncing at details and getting it so *right*. Seriously: awesome, awesome, very bloody action film. (with a great soundtrack and dialogue and plot) low-ish budget for this kind of thing meant they shot it all in council flats, which makes the plot and structure really work. KARL URBAN ACTS ENTIRELY THROUGH HIS CHIN AND *IS* DREDD. Anderson, you start thinking is going to be all wrong and... turns out so right for the character in the place she is now and by the end of the film. Simple solutions and explanations for things that might've been laboured and plot-holey in other hands. Lena Headey as a brilliant villain. (of course) So much thinking through of the detail and world so it's believable and hangs together perfectly (much nearer future, toning down of things like the bike & armour so they fit the real world). The Stallone fiasco is merely a fevered dream.

writing, narnia, nanowrimo, film

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