on the never-never...

Jan 08, 2012 22:31

Ah, the New Years' round up of various WIPs/ideas on the backburner lurking in notebooks. Most of these are one-line ideas and never go anywhere. in many cases I lose interest in the fandom.

Chug your chosen bottle of spirits if I finish any of these anytime this year...

Torchwood/Dark is Rising - Bran is head of Plaid Cymru and his hubbie works at Cardiff Uni. collisions happen occasionally with the least covert agency ever.

Dark is Rising/Merlin - I just wish someone would come up with a decent story idea for this...

X-Men 1930s Berlin AU. Yes, my Isherwood fetish is showing. shut up.

Vince-toff Stuart-valeting for his own good. Sadly have no idea how to keep it in character.

Dean as trickster devotee.

Ianto joining TW3 before Canary Wharf as a known Yvonne plant.

Edmund getting chased by Bacchus

Narnia/Merlin. PC call goes weird, Peter joins knights, etc

writing, wip

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