I hate my friends

Nov 21, 2011 14:10

and gin. definitely gin.

Pubmeet, where there was squee, writing discussion, merlin squee, me begging Smitty to put Pete Wisdom in her nano. Then me, jen and Taz went waitrose on way to jen's to watch blond superhero films. Taz has developed very good kabanos radar. I have trained her well. And yay verily, we all went 'awwww' over Agent Coulson and Loki. ...Loki actually facepalms in this. And went 'Peggy and Tommy Lee Jones: Be you, only MORE SO'. And fangirled Darcy. And traded fic recs.

I started to fade, and... apparently I deflate and start talking in the third person. And sound about five. And then Taz started laughing at my Supergirl jammies. And told jen my previous ones were Wonder Woman.

next morning, a tad delicate, but fortunately no headdache.

Plus: it was bloody cold, and wtf was with the fog?

Watched the first hour of the Children in Need concert from thurs post-dinner, yelled for parents when it was Hugh Laurie. The man is awesome. And mum went '...who's that, he looks *twelve*?' Me + dad: Jamie Cullum, been around for ages. And then dad fanboyed Andrea Bocelli. (give him a good Nessun Dorma and he goes into auto-starry-eyed mode)

Due to the delicacy + pub, only got about 1.8k done this weekend. Still, total of just over 40k...


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