tin hat naysayers + cinders again

May 06, 2011 13:02

Right, fic writing portion of brain currently consumed with the meta (blogs, news, interviews, twitter, lj etc) on a relationship. Actors played a gay couple on a very high profile HBO/BBC series (Apollo & Midnighter in The Authority), got together 6 months after filming, moved in 2 months into the relationship because one of them's flat flooded and then he never left, always the other's plus one at any events. They're not in the closet, they just can't be arsed to make a song and dance about it. Common knowledge that they live together, and they always laugh in the face of rumours of them dating anyone else. (one of them is pretty sure he answered the dating question when the press stuff was being done for the tv series, only everyone thought he was joking) Constantly in the 'are they or aren't they/epic bromance/joke punchline' bit in the gossip columns. Which greatly amuses them and their mates. The first time the media takes them seriously is when they tweet the photos of them getting married on holiday, and everyone else goes 'well, duh*, how blind can you be?'.

So, trying to think of the kind of stuff people used to write about Barrowman/NPH/Lance Bass combined with the fan/RPS comms. So you get the fansquee, the people who're 'in the know' versus the people who're going 'the tinhats're seriously deluded, they're just friends'. Thing is, I'm trying to remember the kind of thing people said on lj comms along the lines of 'seriously deluded' (those've you who're in bandom can help - my problem is I haven't hung around in the discussion bits of shipper comms for years.). Closest I can see is the bitching and name-calling in ONTD, which is troll haven.

:cracks knuckles: Two more Matthew Bourne converts achieved. Really, I should get paid for this. Saw Cinderella at the New Wimbledon last night, and it was just as (if not slightly more) shiny as last time. (possibly because it was second time viewing and certain bits made more sense). Peter and his missus going 'soooooo shiny' and going 'Steven Moffat you bastard' when the gas mask dancers came on. Sam Archer and Kerry Biggin on RAF pilot and Cinders duties again. Sadly no Michaela Meazza as Stepmother, but you can't have everything. checking programmes when I got home, was rather surprised to see that most of the rest of the cast were identical - different angel/godfather, but aside from that I think the only difference was one of the girlfriends who also plays the Brief Encounter girl was playing a stepsister.

theatre, matthew bourne, writing, ads: kerry biggin, dance, ads: sam archer

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