pain in my left diodes

Apr 07, 2011 15:39

:sigh: last couple of weeks, had a bit of knee pain from what I thought was just staying curled up in a weird position on the couch. Then this sunday, 12 or so minutes into jog, side of the knee starts screaming. Immersed leg in river to chill it so I could walk back, jogged very slowly on it the last leg because I was freezing (sunday was not warm, as you know) and it was stiff but not painful. Sunday night, standing up and the pain hit again. occasional pain hits through monday, along with stiffness. Rang GP, went in yesterday afternoon, Dr Keast prods the bit to the side of my knee where I said the pain had been, cue me going 'argh'. Turns out it's a minor torn meniscus joint. (torn the cartilage in my knee but not too seriously) No jogging for 4-6 weeks, take anti-inflammatories, cycling and swimming allowed. Erk. CHOCOLATE WEEK IS COMING UP. (as any good atheist knows, the major celebrations of the year are 'presents and feasting', 'chocolate week', 'pimms and sunshine' and 'arson, explosions and burnt food') And I stil haven't got rid of the excess inches. I'm going to have to somehow get all the rust off my bike to burn calories. I think removing the rust is going to be a job in itself...

Tonight, I go see Animatronic Pig and supporting cast do the musical version of Alan Bennett's A Private Function as Stiles and Drewe's Betty Blue Eyes (rationing era comedy). Sarah Lancashire has the Maggie Smith role. small altars are being taken along.

Er. I really need to write up my reviews of Vernon God Little and Flare Path, don't I? (Vernon God Little: spooky, weird, hysterical, amazing use of stage. Flare Path: stiff upper lip, all the stuff you couldn't say in the war, entire audience audibly blubbing and five minutes later laughing their heads off. All praise Sheridan Smith, and Taz was treated to me incoherently squeeing about meeting James Purefoy post-play. So nice. So lovely. So drop-dead guh. during the Q&A, we found out what the sound of 50 women all swooning at once is.)

pain in my left diodes, theatre

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