This week, it's randomly started lifestyle questions!
engraved 6oz hip flask Need a replacement as mine is badly dented - is £33 a decent price for an engraved 6oz? (engraving appears to a be fiver from online trawling, and £22-25 for a plain pewter 6oz)
Joggers - does anyone wear those black leggings you see so much? Do they actually make any difference? I re-started jogging last weekend (OW MY LEGS) and am wearing my 3/4 length tracksuit bottoms, which're fine warmth-wise for this weather...
Valentine's cake for the non-traditional. Or your ex. Madness? No...This is BOUNTY HUNTIIIIIIIING In the star wars job workflow chart, it seems I am... destined to be an Ewok Bounty Hunter. Which many of my mates say is fairly accurate. Wicket had seen those reward posters for Rebel Scum, you know it. Sadly, it is not a costume I can ever do, unless I want to die of heatstroke.
Baby Davros. And, er, our lord and master Teh Moff discussing... things with Baby Davros. SCARED NOW. Being Human. Oh, the love. And they're telling us we may get PUPPIES. (entire viewership reduced to squeaking at the prospect of short, mouthy big-eared werewolf sprogs) Being Human US is so far decent drama with bits of horror, but I'm missing the humour. (seriously, original version had the classic sentiment 'do you want to stay in and get drunk' 'God yes' and the description 'Chavalanche' for a drunk zombie rugby WAG this week) And their Gilbert did not dance. :pout:
Other new tv (aside from all the US ones I have to catch up on - Chuck, Vampire Diaries, start watching Hawaii five-o) Outcasts was dull. Script BORING. Wasted decent cast. Bedlam after it was classic haunted house ex mental asylum stuff (hands at windows, apparitions in hallways, ectoplasm, attempted drowning in bathtub etc) with nice camerawork, saturated palate, a script where people talked like humans, decent performances and a pretty cast who take their shirts off. Plus it seems Will Young's character Ryan and Jed (Kemal - death by orgasm boy from Downton Abbey) are generating some nice chemistry. (Ryan confirmed as at the very least bi in site bios, hurrah!)