plot holes

Nov 17, 2010 10:13

First. went with parents to Design for Living at Old Vic last night. And then gossed with
snowballjane and her hubby during both intervals. They'd changed a couple of things since the early part of the run, think it's faster in a few places, but still just as hysterical. And the hand-holding on the sofa in NY is new. Audience during drunk scene nearly killed themselves with laughter again. But. Er. STEVEN MOFFAT WAS IN THE ROW BEHIND ME. :hyperventilates: (and yes, I was too polite/freaked to go up to him afterwards)

you may have guessed one has been writing. then twitching. then eyeing the feral squirrels. then writing.

anyway, monday, was up to 35k.

Started seriously struggling with the chapter titled 'Werewolf Hustle' as... it doesn't actually have any plot. One of those ones which was 'there will be some sort of case here. I will come up with an idea in a bit.' I came up with the idea of people smuggling for dogfights, wrote the bit where MI-13 werewolf bloke whose case this is intro'd to my undercover copper by the copper's superior, went to bed, thinking I could think over how the case would go and make notes during yesterday. And still had nothing by midnight last night when I got back home. (I make notes during the day, start writing when I get back to my laptop)

However, two minutes pre-sleep the thought occurred that I don't have to make this a single-case chapter, I can have it as a several case/ongoing whatsit of copper essentially becoming the MI-13 bloke's contact. Which would work better for building up their relationship.

In similar news, the final chapter was planned out as a heist where Russian MI-13 need something stolen as they couldn't go through normal channels, so come to copper's crime boss, get it organised through that, so they're hiring the thief character for this. Which yeah, i also didn't have a plot for. (what similarity? I know no similarity) However, after watchign waaay too many Strictly Come Dancing vids trying to find out what the name of the traditional cliche tango music they always use in films is (Por una Cabeza, btw) my brain has decided that they will do 'distraction show-off threesome tango at the Russian Embassy' whilst the minions steal the thingy..

Cue copper going : 'That is such a fucking cliche!'
'Yes, but it works.'
'why do *I* have to learn tango?'
'Because the minions can't dance.'

nanowrimo, squee!

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