It cometh. VERY SOON.

Oct 31, 2010 19:29

Nanowrimo is upon us. In six hours. Whereupon swathes of people across the globe will suddenly become shut-ins only caring about word count, hands glued to one's keyboard and/or writing utensil, *especially* when not producing anything. Do not attempt to ask these people whether they want to go out for the evening. You may get your head bitten off. Be nice to them. leave cups of hot beverages within reach, as well as sugar in its myriad forms. Sleep is not wanted nor looked for. QWERTY face is a perfectly natural symptom and never hurt anyone. Please ignore any inarticulate screams of rage and death threats towards the computers they can't look away from. On those odd occasions you find them resentfully watching the tv or flicking through LOLCATS pictures, on no account make any enquiries about writers' block. Unless, of course, they broach the subject in which case ranting may happen. Do not interrupt if you fear for your life.

But don't worry. Come December 1st, they'll sleep for 24 hours and twitch if you even so much as mention writing.

Wrote up the last of my notes, now having the 'I have no idea if this is going to go okay or hang together or be enough for 50,000' but otherwise calm. possibly because first I researched, then I overdosed on Tom Hardy for the hell of it. (I really don't recommend the Ray Winstone Sweeney Todd, but I do recommend Bronson. Sweeney Todd attempted to go all psychological and it's actually boring whenever it's just the two main characters onscreen, which is about 2/3 of the production. Never a good sign. And they made the serial killing boring. HOW? Bronson, on the other hand, decided to go completely theatrical, utterly mad, never ever tried to explain and it's mesmerising.)

telling myself that you do not need to obsess over certain details. Merely mention them and the audience will fill in the details for themselves. oh, and had one of those 'no, seriously, what do these characters even look like?' moments, then realised that they were actually cycling through a whole bunch of faces. Mind you, it's not like the revolutionistas nano where I realised that their gender didn't even matter.

tv in general, nanowrimo, ads: tom hardy, film

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