nano bunnies

Sep 27, 2010 15:45

Poking nano. I had been going to do the Torchwood Ianto gets kicked to Cardiff by Yvonne but feeling... I dunno, a bit dissatisfied? Tried poking my Narnia/Merlin crossover and then the historical bunnies demanded to know precisely how I'd get around patents of nobility and where the hell Peter would get armour/horsie/weapons and how they'd set themselves up, etc.

Course, this lunchtime I get poked by the undercover strand of my MI-13 'verse asking what was so wrong with that. With added 'we have heists. And a story. And you recently re-watched Rocknrolla. Did we mention there's angst and flirting and an already constructed supporting cast? You'd have to slightly decomplicate a backstory or two, but is this so bad?'

Would need to research some real-life crime stuff, undercover bits, copper stuff, whichever bit of London I'm thinking of for location... hrrm.

writing, nanowrimo

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