weekend of hungover wedding

Aug 23, 2010 14:07

Jackie and Shaun's wedding was most fun. Lotsa dancing (dammit, just because I'm wearing a full-skirted 50s style dress does not mean I'm a spinning top!) it turns out that if it's only 6 people doing Star Trekking, it starts looking like some sort of folk dance, though the rellies all looked a wee bit alarmed during people falling to the floor for 'He's dead Jim' (it looks a tad realistic) and all that happened was that the other dancers start pointing at the collapsee, and oh god. So much mead. We think everyone pretty much drank at least one bottle, and me and Alycia drank so much that we had to hold onto each other to stay upright to get to the taxi rank.

Pubmeet: spent morning utterly fine and watching cookery programmes. So many various types of mash that Taz spent the journey going 'want mash WANT'. Had toast... then got on tube and the hangover of 'queasy and drained' set in so spent a portion of pubmeet curled up in dozy all in corner, occasionally sneaking jalapenos. Of course, there was the point I emerged from my ball to see all these flashes going off.


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