style. and kittens

Aug 18, 2010 13:01

cynicalcylon has a new kitty. Which I accidentally managed to name. Damn mindmelding. Say hello to My Apprentice. So now I'm threatening to introduce a hamster by the name of Fluffi-Wan into its life.

Everything appears to be sorted for discworld.

Really need to get started on preliminary research for nano. which also involves narrowing my options down so by doing/checking how much research is involved I can figure out whether it's possible. (see last year's peninsula wars girl!soldier option - did the research and realised it really needed to percolate into my hindbrain properly to write it, so went for the 1920s valet fic instead as I could surf that 'verse with ease)

Oh, and poke the Dean-as-Trickster-disciple and see what I want it to be. angle, pov, etc, and plot. plot would help. Because if the entire thing boils down to the great revelation, I might as well just be writing a drabble. It's like those crossovers where there appears to be nothing more than the OMG/you are so weird reaction. I want substance, not a Jerry Springer reunion. at least put a damn case in there that both sets can contribute to. Read a truly horrific Supernatural/Inception crossover recently where the Inception team were hired to get into Dean's head...but never went anywhere with it. a), discovered within two seconds (which makes sense considering Dean has done plenty of lucid dreaming in canon - djinn, Gabriel, other angels) but no exploration of the dream/dream state at all, and as soon as there was discovery, they were awake., dream state doesn't work like that in Inception *or* Supernatural. b) 'everyone's coupled up, isn't this weird!' c) 'OMG Angels seriously?' d) Team Free Will: 'Zachariah hired you, now stay out of the way while we fix this.' (the crappy writing, exposition mouthpieces and dialogue didn't help)

Poking sheepskin aviator jackets on ebay and online as my current one was starting to get a bit creaky towards the enter of last winter. There's a good one in my size on ebay for £27 but zip, dammit. Problem of being picky and wanting one with a side zip. Worth buying this and then waiting to see if a decent one comes along (probs at £100+ :sigh:)?

Question for americans and other foreigners: How obvious/distinct is British style/fashion? I can tell Germans a mile off, and you can tell american tourists, but a bit more hazy on Spanish/Dutch/Polish etc.

And, because I'm curious : describe me to a stranger. or describe my output.

writing, inception, tv: supernatural, babble, a clue:no

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