strange women lying about in ponds distributing swords

Jul 26, 2010 10:18

This weekend, saturday was spent at a quiet-ish pubmeet (several of the girls were off at Jackie's hen weekend - occasional comments of 'Jackie's apparently managed to get something on her top.' Ah, twitter.)

Saw Inception on thursday with Jen and Gideon. Ooooooooo. With points of me and Gideon occasionally holding up hands and attempting to count off what level we were on at that point. And yeah, still not sure what state in by end of the film. it's very shiny. Ken Watanabe a tad unused, and the zero-G scene is considerably better than in the trailer. Really. Yes, really. My only real problem with it is Leonardo DiCaprio as he's one of the very few actors who I can't forget that I'm watching the actor rather than a character. I had no problem with him in Romeo + Juliet, but since... ack.

Sunday, off to Base camp Holroyd for modelling, which involved getting sprayed with water and lolling around in a paddling pool imitating Ophelia. In a smock dress for quite a bit, and I've discovered that I really, really hate the type of smock dress where the seam is above your tits. It sits incredibly weirdly and as in common with many smock/peasant-like shirts, I hatehatehate the way the arms fit. They always seem to get into a position where they're restricting movement, so give me modern style anyday. Discoveries: getting spray in your face/eyes a lot, your tongue starts tingling. And, of course, many many of the poses of fantasy art/pre-Raphelite are completely unnatural - there's one which is from mermaid hauling self up on rock which has absolutely no leverage. On the other hand, lolling about in a paddling pool with your ears under the water is very relaxing.

And then trains screwed around enough that was about an hour later and exhausted by time got home. Tiny time for food and collapsed in front of Sherlock. Which was very awesome, brilliant writing and acting and direction (special mention to the graphics at one point).


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