
Jun 30, 2010 10:47

not much happening as such. Poking various ficbits but haven't even written owt in the crappy cliche original fic verses. England are crap and deserved to go out. When your goalie is the only one that's consistently playing well.... (okay, Milner was pretty decent too) But at least we're not France. Though can anyone tell me what's with this really disturbing trend I've seen on several other teams (fortunately not England) of jumping for the ball with your arms in the air? Can we say imminent handball?

village fete was fun, boiling, though distinct lack of morris dancers or the viking re-enactors that replaced them last years. :pout: Tug of war was hysterical to watch, mind you. Messed around in the drumming session, got the facepainting girl to do ivy up my arm to see how I'd like it for possible tattoo. Me and mum went on a canoe trip round the island in the river. v. pretty. and oooo, we saw an otter! squee!

Sunday, jogged, and this time no-one made a comment about me ending up in the river, it was that hot. Mind you, there were two girls who'd camped overnight and emerged from their tent in bikinis to throw themselves in the river first thing.

Decided to finally start mainlining Leverage after getting yelled at to watch it by several mates. it is fun and involves much squee.

In other news, I has a spare ticket to see Daniel Boys in Wolfboy on tuesday at Trafalgar Studios, £18 but will take offers as morbid_sparks can't make it. Any takers?

tv in general

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