May 06, 2010 14:15
Right, cast me vote for Lib Dems. (my blood is dyed yellow and has been for a long time) I like sanity. And hate the Tories. For those who say they've changed, have they seen their policies? Our area, which is apparently a marginal, is losing its previous long-running Labour incumbent, Martin Salter, because he's retiring. He was a bit of a twerp, but he was a twerp who got stuff done and turned out to be pretty good in local government. Please, please, don't let the Tories in. PLEASE.
Anyway. Voting is a good thing. If you don't vote, you don't have the right to grumble about politics for the next five years. simple as that. And not voting...well, the BNP is very good about getting their voters organised. that's how they got in on the European vote last time.
dept of administrative affairs