bank holiday

May 03, 2010 12:07

Spent the last couple of days firmly ensconced in front of laptop, especially yesterday, given the utterly foul weather. So foul on sunday that I even dug out the workout dvd from a couple of years ago because jogging in that...blegh. Oh god. Had forgotten how soul-destroying those things are. So today, went 'fuck it' and am still to get warm, even if it was sunny from the lock back. But still better headwise than the bloody exercise dvd. Yeah. Running = 'what's this thing you call thinking' and 'keep going keep going pause because that westie is trying to lick your shins to death'.

Watched Requiem for Detroit last night. Wow. Just... wow. Now that's one damn good piece of documentary, tying it from when Henry Ford first started Detroit as a car city, how it caused the near full-on segregation to its final collapse and the current wave of deconstruction and turning old housing plots into farmland. Though you could see the documentary makers rubbing their hands with glee when it came to the music - Motown just for starters, then you've got Eminem actually singing about 8 Mile (yes, they did start and close with Lose Yourself), *and* interviewing Martha Reeves of Martha and the Vandellas as she's a city councilman.

Doctor Who : So much set up. SO MUCH. And dear Moff, STOP MESSING WITH OUR HINDBRAINS. Angels. Not being able to open your eyes. AUGH.

Over the Rainbow, I think we're seeing tactical from the Lord again. Mr. Bojangles is the kiss of death in these things, so giving it to Stephanie...

Contemplating going to see Iron Man 2 once showered.

jogging, alwcasting: over the rainbow, tv in general

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