To the Pub! For Great Justice!

Mar 20, 2010 21:34

Today? Spaced Shoot-out Flashmob, 1:15, Trafalgar Square.

So lo, the masses gathered, milling about rather suspiciously, and listening rather bemusedly to a preacher making absolutely no sense who'd parked himself in front of the Landseer Lions. Seriously. No sense.

1pm came, and everyone started keeping an eye out for the organiser.

And lo, the bloke in full camo did appear from a corner, and the entire crowd did converge as one.

1:15, and we all started shooting each other in slow-mo with finger guns. Finger guns, and pistols, and finger bazookas. And dying in slow-mo.

1:17, entire Trafalgar Square covered in bodies, all of whom are giggling. and moaning 'my jeans are soaked! Soaked, I tell you!'

1:20, everyone gets up, cheers very loudly, then pauses. And the cry went up:

'What now?'
'To the pub!'
'For Great Justice!'
'Which pub?'
'Any of 'em!'

And lo, we did disperse and go on our way, leaving behind a very bemused bunch of onlookers and tourists. Oh, that was awesome. I just hope someone got pictures of the preacher's expression.

Spent rest of day in pubmeet, happily geeking.

ETA : there are now vids up on youtube. I can be seen in this one from 1:40 in left hand corner as the shortarse ginger (with blonde streaks - damn hair dye) in a brown leather jacket. And according to the vids, the whole thing was only two minutes.

fandom, squee!

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