hogswatch on boxing day

Dec 26, 2009 15:24

well, Dr Who was...errrr. Slightly painful to watch. All shoutiness and a rather bad plot. Made up for it with Christmas dinner and watching St. Trinians and the Grey Gardens adaptation. Earlier, neighbours for drinks and nibbles while peoples' turkeys cooked.

The haul, so far :
Blade runner
Star Trek
An apron with cows on it
Empire film encyclopaedia (geeky trivia, oh yes, including the original Empire reviews - seriously, 2 stars for Tombstone and saying Costner's version was better? Crack they were smoking.)

Spent a couple of hours today over at mate's mum's, playing with baby Amelia and giggling as her older sister Sophia bounced around and hunted down any olives that were stupid enough to be lying around without an electric fence around them.
Watching Young Victoria. It's rather fun.


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