home stretch, I can has!

Nov 20, 2009 13:17

44867 / 50000

just under 90%. Oh yes. I rule. Final act, closing in... Though, er, I'm still poking my brain to write the damn shipwreck bits.

Woke up this morning with a slight writer-wibble. I'm trying to figure out if my original characters are really samey and have the same dialogue patterns (for those who've read my originals, please be honest). I've been told I'm fairly decent at writing in-character dialogue for certain of my chosen fandom characters, but this could of course be entirely down to self-selection.

and sometime soon, I'll shut up about nano and go back to my usual angsting about fic that takes two years for me to actually produce. Mind you, in looking back through old nano data, found two bunnies that look rather interesting - the QAF valet fic and the 'Ianto Jones is seconded to Torchwood 3 a good while before Canary Wharf.' (him being reckoned a stooge of Yvonne Hartman, of course, and thus untrustworthy. The bunny is now far more interesting since we've since found out precisely how Ianto originally got his place at TW3 and got intro'd to his sister.)

OMG. Narnia fans? LOOK AT TODAY's XKCD. Try not to die laughing.

lit moaning, nanowrimo, tv: torchwood

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