Oct 19, 2009 13:36

There are days you wish our geek overlords didn't know the exact same corners of the interwebs that we do.

Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright are happily discussing how much they like Hot Fuzz slash and how flattering they find it. (and linking to it on the Pit o' voles) Edgar said that he wrote Nicholas Angel/Danny Butterman slash before anyone else, and it was called Hot Fuzz.

My problem? Edgar started all this off by stating that he was craving X-factor RPS. That's why I need brain bleach.

ETA : Edgar, Nick and Simon continued by writing Hot Fuzz slash. perfectly formed Hot Fuzz slashfic in 140 characters or less. I especially liked the one where Danny watches the autumn leaves coming down and is thus looking forward to the rugby season.

:deep breath: Nano. think of your nano issues.

Taraljc is being very nice to me w/regard to valet-ing issues (I'm pretty sure it's set 1925-ish or later, so most of the younger staff were too young to join up. Somewhere in my head, it's a definite that they both lost elder brothers or uncles. Hmm. Must check Merchant Marine involvement in WW1) Things to check for random details : pay, and pay for a non-serving job. As well as what kind of jobs ex-servants went into if they left service. oh, and, er, valets would've travelled 3rd class on the train, right? I'm presuming they wouldn't have been travelling 1st with their masters unless they're Jeeves.

My main problem is trying to find accounts of shipwrecks of the period. I can find plenty of lists of books online, my problem is that my access to a library is restricted at the mo - getting to the british library and back in lunch hour is impossible, and I don't have the weekends free to get to my local. anyone got any good google tricks for online texts? or recommendations for books I could pick up from a bookshop? googling shipwrecks mostly gets me book lists or scuba diving locations.

ETA. Um. watching Shackleton counts as research, right? It's only set ten or so years earlier than the nano....

writing, nanowrimo, a series of tubes

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