Research Tiem. (you can't make me!)

Oct 05, 2009 13:34

:sigh: nano approacheth. Cannot yet decide which one to do of the Upstairs-Downstairs, Psycho girl, and Girl in the army. Really to do more research to see which one's the most viable at this point, since research sparks plot bunnies and also tells you what you can and can't do.

Upstairs-Downstairs, I need to check out 1920s, valet stuff and also how big houses of the time operated. I don't need too much on this since theoretically the main focus is on the couple, but background stuff and any details (eg, this tech wasn't used). So far bits to tweak in the plot are how wet the valet character is.

Psycho Girl and Girl in army - I need to re-read the Rifles and Peninsula War books I have access to, possibly re-watch a bit of Sharpe and re-read Monstrous Regiment. Which I've started but there are shiny new things. What I also want to find is stuff on women in the military, but the main problem I've come up against is that most of the material I've found is on the American Civil War (understandably because it's more recent and better documented). Not helpful, since it's a good couple of generations later and on another continent. Not to mention there will be plenty of wives and/or girlfriends floating around camp. Sir Terry has said it exists. He's read it. Where the hell does one find it? Any recs? Bits to tweak : Psycho Girl needs to be more off-kilter. Girl in army : more banter, less overt romance. And need to figure out precisely what the timespan is - I think I want her to join up at 17/18, but the question is also how old people think she would be when dressed as a boy.

Problem facing this : I'm behind on my tv (3 eps of Big Bang Theory, Merlin + Secrets and Magic, and catching up on Warehouse 13 and FlashForward. also there is SGU evaluation to be done. And new Jane Austen on the BBC. Not even thinking about Glee, Better off Ted and Burn Notice at this point - I think that'll have to wait until post nano at this rate) Unseen Academicals arrived and I've got two chapters in so far.

terry pratchett, writing, nanowrimo, historical accuracy

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