Ouch. ouch. ouch.

Aug 24, 2009 13:06

Have decided that stilettos should be banned on the tube. My bleeding foot is evidence of this.

And of course, the owner of these modern-day foot-binding devices with added daggers attached turns out to work in my building.

today was deemed auspicious. Either slept through my alarm or didn't turn it on - I woke up at 7:15 (latest leave house is 7:25 to catch train) so had to do getting ready at speed. have no jewellery on. Neck now feels really weird.

I really wish work would tell us when an update's going through, because sudden 'this program is extracting, do you wish to run?' messages do not a happy team make. We've already gone through one virus already, thankyou.

Have finished first season of True Blood. Rather liking. Someone tell me it doesn't dip in quality in S2?

tv in general, work, owwww

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