
Aug 20, 2009 10:44

ended up going home early as i'd tried to struggle on as i got gradually sicker - started with headache, on into woozy and vaguely nauseous. Hoped it would get better with lazing in park at lunch, it did slightly, but the wooziness returned half an hour, so i informed co-workers 'Off to sick bay to have a fainting fit, back in half an hour'. It did get better (complete with being so bloody bored that I started tapping out the percussion of Ring of Fire and Prokofiev's Troika, and the office manager poking her head in because she could see feet through the open door) but returned again with the headache and the screen starting to blur. Tis a tad difficult to proofread when you can't see the words.

Staggered home on hot tube and then collapsed on couch to sleep/doze intermittently before retiring to bed post-dinner. Suspect since it came two days after end of period, it's me old mucker that I used to get monthly.

In ongoing notation, it turns out that I lose at least two pounds of water retention/whatever it is after my period. Noting this is at least vaguely interesting to self, and will see what happens post-camping, since that'll be a strange regime of probably high calorie but also quite a bit of exercise rather'n sitting on arse all day.

Working from home and it's pissing it down. I have laundry, sky gods!

body, blegh

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