I am not a piece of meat.

Aug 05, 2009 12:01

There are things in this life I have come to accept.

One is that, being blonde, nicely shaped, and short (and therefore not threatening) means that you will get a certain type of bloke calling out 'hey, pretty girl, talk to me, what's your name?' whilst walking to destinations (and yes, this includes when they haven't even seen your face - blonde, short and curvy is enough as far as this type is concerned). To which you tend to not reply or go 'none of your business'. Reponse from them is normally 'Come on, talk to me, what's the rush', etc. After about fifty yards they tend to get the picture.

Yesterday afternoon, walking through Russell Square, one of them sees me coming and starts up with it. I ignore him and keep walking. Only thing is? When I'm passing him, he grabs at my arm. Fucking *grabbed* at me. Fortunately, it didn't take and keeping walking pulled my arm out of his hand. And yes, he did keep going with the 'what's your rush?' as I kept walking. And then about a hundred yards out of the park, passing the British Museum, I hear him again with a 'come on, talk to me, oh well, at least I get to watch you walk, keep shaking those hips'.

To say that I was skeeved and a wee bit freaked out is a given. If the grab had held, there would have elbows, fists, screaming and yells of assault (which it is).

Fucking grabbing at a passer-by? Who does that? Under what fucking circumstances is that acceptable?


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