fic stuff

May 28, 2009 00:44

in the blue corner, we have another short story in the Thin Veneer of Civility 'verse, ie, Edmund and Peter get called up for National Service. This time from their dad's pov, who's heard a few stories about his sons and is somewhat disturbed. Been hanging around in various snippet forms for a while, suddenly got a few legs last night.

in the red corner, a snippet-fic expanded from a note I had in Nano planning, 'what if they stayed at the end of PC' 'verse (Susan married Caspian as a sign of union, and it's public knowledge that Edmund is Bacchus' favourite. That's all the background you need.). The Tisroc is pondering an alliance marriage. (Narnia starting to look like an up and comer, Calormen has very good records of the Pevensies being scary bastards, trade, peace offering, influence, etc) Specifically, son #5, the scholar to Edmund, since Edmund is pretty much the most neutral choice and heirs are 99% likely to come from Susan+Caspian or Peter. Almost completely for the lulz and people going 'aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!' and written in snippets so far.

writing, narnia

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