coughs and sneezes spread diseases

May 01, 2009 12:51

blegh. I hate how one bloody side-effect is the source of most of the really vile symptoms of colds.

over-production of mucus = blocked sinuses = pressure headaches, wooziness, dry mouth, fuzzy tongue, light headedness, hearing problems, etc, etc... and you feel instantly better as soon as you blow your nose. Seriously, evolution, you fail.

Listening to Felicia Day's Dance music so good it's bad mixtape, which contains a lot of classics. I don't produce or make music, so I only know tunes from the audience side, where if something is instant classic, it's an instant classic because everyone starts grooving to it. For those who do make music, do you ever know if something's brilliant when you're making it? Making stuff, I only know from art, photography and fashion. Photography you know instantly - either at the point of click or the point when the image is out of the camera. Art and fashion, it's a case of you only really know by the final point if something's really good, which is different from going well during creation.

Need new sandals. Cheapo pair that I bought last summer are on their last legs. Contemplating a pair from Office that're £40, but the problem is whether the more expensive pretty ones will be any more hard-wearing than the cheapo pretty ones I'm currently wearing. Opinions?

Augh. The early-mid nineties really are back. just seen a sight I haven't in years - cardi, short tartan shirt dress and ankle-height Docs. It doesn't help that I watched Empire Records a couple of days ago. (which is definitely a case of hee, since who would've predicted that out of all that cast, Renee Zellweger would be the star?) Oh well. At least the tartan shirts are actually cut to fit people this time.

Classic stupid pronouncements about swineflu : 'Latin people are more genetically susceptible'. ....What fucking hypothesis do you have to base that on? The fact that it started in Mexico, so most of the people who have it are Mexican or Spanish/Spanish speaking who visited their relatives or went on holiday there and thus came back from the area? This is like saying Soho natives are more genetically susceptible to cholera because they'd all been drinking from the infected waterbutt that first proved concusively the relationship between germs and disease spread. :headdesk:

music, shoes, blegh

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