on save insert show here campaigns

Apr 19, 2009 00:38

This was something that came up at the pubmeet.

understand that pubmeet has a large proportion of old school sci-fi fans, a high percentage of con-goers, a convention runner or two, people who work at the BBC, and writers. Which means we often as not end up discussing the mechanics of commissioning, cancelling, producing, etc, etc. Which probably isn't that interesting to the average fan, but it gives you insight into how media gets produced and why it does or doesn't. Sometimes it's pure gossip and speculation. Sometimes it's gossip that's true and that you can *never* repeat. Sometimes it's bitching and squeeing.

Today, the topic was the 'save _insert show here_' campaigns and what use these deluded people think they are.

Seriously. Talking on the internet will not help. Petitions sent to producers will get 'oh, how nice'. Trying to watch more? nada. Hardcore fans, I'm sorry to say to anyone who holds any illusions, make up a tiny, tiny, tiny proportion of the viewing public. the decision has normally been made waaaay before the fans got to hear about it. In America, it comes down to cost and ratings. Sure, there are shows that got brought back after being cancelled. Some got cancelled several times. (Due South and JAG are prime examples) However, there are major considerations to be taken into account. Re-vitalised shows are normally cheap to produce and make. And there's schedule space to fill. Better something that gets *some* ratings if the fresh crop of pilots didn't perform very well.

We could think of *two* shows where write-in worked. Original Trek (different era, when they cared about what the public thought and there were less channels) and Roswell.

This went on to *why* people get so enraged and possessive and thinking they can make a difference, and that write-ins will make a difference, and why it's a US thing. Not a UK thing.

We boiled that down to Americans being used to having influence on their government and daily life (write to your congressman, senators not doing things because they don't want to upset voters, etc), and the tv system being so dependent on ratings, so you get to think of it as 'yours'. UK? We have major pessimism and very little influence. (writing to your MP? Suuuuure. The MP might make nice noises but they'll fall into line behind the party whip) TV? We had until very recently four channels in most households. Which had mandates and quotas on what you could show. Large amounts of viewers were a nice side-benefit, but stuff would stay on because some higher up liked it or it was considered worthy if it didn't get much in the way of viewers. A season is tiny in the UK compared to the US, because the schedules were so crammed. When the US viewers bitched about Dr Who only being 13 eps, we gaped - 13 eps is *marathon* in UK land for non-soap. Most series are 6-8. It doesn't make up such a large part of your waking life, so when it goes, it elicits grumbling and an 'oh well'. We know it's out of our hands and was never in our hands to start with.

media, fandom

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