vanity in the name of hotpants

Apr 14, 2009 12:56

:pokes stomach podge:

:sigh: you're not going to shift by the con, are you? this is what happens when your lunch is a steady diet of scotch eggs and bagels over winter, and you've spent the last few weeks eating pre-bought sandwiches, pasta and pizza. Dammit. oh well, scales've said I've finally shifted a couple of pounds, but suspect this is water loss rather than real.

Also after comparing with someone's little brother, it turns out I have *no* triceps. Tricep dips, hear I come. should do something for my screwed up shoulder muscle and provide a bit of back muscle too, hopefully.

Womb. DO NOT WANT. (more discomfort than shrieking pain so far, though)

um. Kings. how many more eps do we have left? They did say they were showing the whole season, right? American public, you have no fucking taste.

tv in general, feel the burn, owwww

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