jogging in the dark

Mar 25, 2009 13:12

weird experience.

Got home utterly frustrated to the point where I had to burn it off quickly or I'd scream (office move set up frustrations, missed trains by 30 secs, train delays due to fucking freight trains that decide they want to cross five tracks at once, etc), and it was the dark side of twilight when I got home.

Streets - not much difference, aside from it being fucking freezing - you can see fine witht eh lights on.

Countryside bit - seriously odd. Everything resolves to grey, and with it being early evening, more grey than pitch black (not to mention still get light from suburbs nearby). The ground actually resolves to flat, and depth vision goes. Very odd. Wasn't going any further than the lock, because that way lies river and cows and electric fences and molehills, but that land *rolls*. And though you could see the ground fine, you couldn't see the different heights aside from your feet telling you you were going up or down. Odd as fuck.


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