things I didn't want to know and getting one over on the smug expert

Mar 03, 2009 13:03

Apparently I'm vaguely related to my boss.

Discussing a problem with submission system and middle names/extended surnames, and he kept saying 'so if I put ___ Drake ___, it would come up as'

Me : Your middle name is Drake? Seriously? Well, I can't talk, I've got a surname as one of mine.
Him : Yeah, descended from Sir Francis Drake.
Me, on complete historical geek autopilot : No you're not, you're descended from his brother, Drake didn't have kids.
Him : Really?
Me : Yeah, my family's descended from him.
Him : So we're related. (with added evil grin)
Me : Augh! Tudor times! Tudor times! Faintest strand possible!

In other history news, got one over on my history geek dad. Oh yes. I can't remember what we were discussing, but i included 'yeah, and then there was the battle at Reading that Battle Inn and Hospital're named after'
Him : 'Presumably some Norman or Saxon-era skirmish.'
Me : 'Er, no, dad, civil war?'
Him : 'That can't be right.' (he's currently re-immersing himself in English and American Civil war)
Me : Something parliamentary. Don't ask me. I'm pretty sure the pub sign used to have Roundheads on it.

He later comes back somewhat shame-faced. oh yes.

historical accuracy

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