Random-arse query

Feb 15, 2009 01:09

pubmeet. lots of silly conversation and geeking, and met a Norwegian girl who's into anime, is also a merlin nut (with added 'that fic where -' 'omigod, that one where arthur insists?' 'such win!' 'I KNOW.' It is great when fanfic tastes meet.) and where we totally confused Alicia by randomly bursting into 'The Internet is for Porn'.

Me and Alicia are juggling the Zorro dates/booking. With added 'well, so and so is a wild card due to availability....'

Plus the bit where i ended up beating Mark over the head with a menu for using the same sodding sentence he uses every time we get into Torchwood conversations and there's another person in said conversation. Me : 'Not that sentence! You are never to use that sentence again! Ever! I am sick and tired of hearing that sentence and be assured I will hunt you down and use extreme prejudice if you ever even attempt to use it when talking about Torchwood again!' Mark : 'I'm just saying -' Me : 'Extreme prejudice!' The poor sod wants it to be sci-fi and every time I explain to him that it's not traditional sci-fi, it's not *marketed* to people who normally watch sci-fi other than Star Wars and Doctor Who, the majority of its audience is *not* sci-fi fans, and it's relationship-based, not plot-based, and he still doesn't get it. Other people have tried to explain this to him. Still doesn't get it. Still. Did come up with a good comparison of Doctor Who's relationship with sci-fi as opposed to, say, Star Trek and BSG's. The world isn't totally sci-fi. It's normal with occasional 'stuff happens'. X-Files when it was still all about the cases before it got bogged down in all the alien stuff and started taking itself too seriously.

Wetherspoon's cottage pie is quite decent. Though I have no idea why they were serving it with chips. To quote Jo, 'What next, jacket potatoes come with chips?'


Poll best RTD companion

tv: dr who, pubmeet, tv in general, tv: torchwood

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